
less phosphorus Learn more about less phosphorus

  • Pay attention to less phosphorus and more potassium in fertilizing wheat

    Pay attention to less phosphorus and more potassium in fertilizing wheat

    First of all, the partial application of phosphorus to wheat is to increase the cost. Diammonium is quite expensive this year, with 64% of its retail price exceeding 3900 yuan per ton. Phosphorus is necessary, but there is no need for excess. Empirical data show that when 40-50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer containing 15% pure phosphorus is used as base fertilizer per mu, there is generally no shortage.

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat fertilization attention less phosphorus more potassium partial application phosphorus
  • Teach you tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and other 24 kinds of cash crop fertilization program (method), after learning to fear not high yield!

    Teach you tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and other 24 kinds of cash crop fertilization program (method), after learning to fear not high yield!

    Nowadays, more and more agricultural materials enterprises pay attention to agrochemical services, but the skills of agrochemical service personnel are mixed. Growers will be skeptical. Xiaobian simply summarizes the management and fertilization schemes for 24 crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers and spinach that are common in life at present. After all,

    2020-11-09 teach you tomatoes cucumbers spinach etc. 24 species cash crops
  • What kind of fertilizer should be used in the flowering and fruiting period of strawberries?

    What kind of fertilizer should be used in the flowering and fruiting period of strawberries?

    What kind of fertilizer should be used in the flowering and fruiting period of strawberries? Please introduce strawberry continuous flowering and fruiting, more flowering, large fruiting, long flowering and fruiting period, and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer consumption. once there is less phosphorus and less potassium during flowering and fruiting, it will reduce cold resistance, less flowers, weak buds and affect flowering and fruit. not only the fruit setting rate is low, the fruit is easy.

  • How to fertilize chestnut scientifically?

    How to fertilize chestnut scientifically?

    How to fertilize chestnut scientifically? Please give a detailed description of chestnut fertilizer requirements like other fruit trees, the difference is that in addition to sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it is particularly sensitive to medium element magnesium and a small amount of manganese and boron, such as lack or deficiency, serious physiological obstacles will occur and affect growth and development. According to the measurement.

  • What are the characteristics of chestnut trees?

    What are the characteristics of chestnut trees?

    What are the characteristics of chestnut trees? Castanea mollissima is the same as other fruit trees in fertilizer requirement. The difference is that it is particularly sensitive to medium element magnesium and small amount of element manganese and boron except for sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If it is deficient or insufficient, serious physiological obstacles will occur and affect its growth and development. It has been determined that...

  • How to apply phosphate fertilizer to grow wheat?

    How to apply phosphate fertilizer to grow wheat?

    How to apply phosphate fertilizer to grow wheat? Please guide in wheat production, there are either heavy nitrogen and light phosphorus in some places, or the method of applying phosphorus is wrong, which affects the effect of increasing production. Scientific phosphorus application of wheat should pay attention to the following points: 1. Look at the content of soil organic matter. The yield-increasing effect of phosphorus application in soils with organic matter content less than 1.5%.

  • Fertilization methods of potted camellias

    Fertilization methods of potted camellias

    Fertilization of camellias should be carried out selectively according to different growth stages of camellias. Topdressing is needed during the growing period of camellia, and quick-acting liquid fertilizer and chemical fertilizer should be applied. In the stage of branches and leaves, nitrogen fertilizer or nitrogen-based mixed fertilizer should be applied. Phosphate fertilizer or phosphorus-based mixed fertilizer is needed before flower bud differentiation, bud formation, growth and flowering.

  • Effect of phosphorus Nutrition on double-low rape and its Application period

    Effect of phosphorus Nutrition on double-low rape and its Application period

    The scientific name of rape pink butterfly Artogeia (Pieris) rapae (Linnaeus) is Lepidoptera, Pteropteridae. Synonym Artogeiarapae (L.). Alias White Butterfly, White Butterfly. The larvae are called cabbage insects. Distributed all over the country. Host rape, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, radish and other cruciferous vegetables.

  • The proportion of fertilizer application in hot pepper is exquisite.

    The proportion of fertilizer application in hot pepper is exquisite.

    First, the choice of seedbed. Pepper seedlings should choose loose soil with high dryness, good drainage, ventilation and light, and rich in organic matter, and no eggplant fruit vegetables should be planted within 1-2 years to prevent the spread of diseases. To raise seedlings, it is required to keep enough seedbeds at the proportion of 1:20. The seedbed ploughed the soil one week before sowing and applied high-efficiency compound fertilizer per mu.

  • How to fertilize pepper?

    How to fertilize pepper?

    How to fertilize pepper? What fertilizer is good? What is the effect of pepper flowering less, falling flowers and pepper more, pepper rate is low, one of the main reasons is that the growth is vigorous, nutrient growth predominates, branches and leaves, the consumption of nutrients is large, the plant is overgrown, if the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are applied during the growth and development period, the growth rate is increased.

  • Spring zucchini should be protected from more nitrogen and less potassium.

    Spring zucchini should be protected from more nitrogen and less potassium.

    There is more nitrogen and less potassium. The demand of zucchini for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is the most, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. The temperature is higher in spring, if there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, it is easy to cause zucchini to grow too much. Therefore, topdressing in spring must pay attention to less application of nitrogen fertilizer, mainly high potassium compound fertilizer. Protect against high temperature and drought. Zucchini can not stand high temperature, high temperature.

  • Proper fertilization to promote Fertilizer requirement and Fertilizer Application method of High-yield garlic

    Proper fertilization to promote Fertilizer requirement and Fertilizer Application method of High-yield garlic

    Proper fertilization to promote Fertilizer requirement and Fertilizer Application method of High-yield garlic

  • What is diammonium phosphate? How to use ammonium phosphate?

    What is diammonium phosphate? How to use ammonium phosphate?

    What is diammonium phosphate? How to use ammonium phosphate? Diammonium phosphate is a kind of binary high concentration compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus. Diammonium phosphate contains N18%, P2O5 46% and the total nutrient concentration can reach 64%. It has the characteristics of low nitrogen, high phosphorus and no potassium in nutrient supply. Because...

  • What kind of fertilizer should I use to grow garlic?

    What kind of fertilizer should I use to grow garlic?

    What kind of fertilizer should I use to grow garlic?

  • What kind of fertilizer do potted orchids need? How to fertilize orchids?

    What kind of fertilizer do potted orchids need? How to fertilize orchids?

    What kind of fertilizer do potted orchids need? How to fertilize orchids?

  • How to improve the effect of applying phosphate fertilizer in newly reclaimed red soil? Is it feasible to apply high amount of phosphorus in phosphorus-deficient soil?

    How to improve the effect of applying phosphate fertilizer in newly reclaimed red soil? Is it feasible to apply high amount of phosphorus in phosphorus-deficient soil?

    The newly reclaimed land of red soil contains low total phosphorus (generally less than 0.4 g / kg), high content of iron and aluminum, and the main phosphorus in the soil is iron phosphate and aluminum compounds, which is not easy to be absorbed and utilized by crops. Therefore, when planting crops and economic trees in newly reclaimed fields in red soil, it is necessary to emphasize the application of phosphorus.

    2020-11-09 How to improve in red soil newly reclaimed land field application phosphate fertilizer
  • Causes and prevention of calcium deficiency in laying hens with reduced eggshell thinning and easy bankruptcy

    Causes and prevention of calcium deficiency in laying hens with reduced eggshell thinning and easy bankruptcy

    Causes and prevention of calcium deficiency in laying hens with reduced eggshell thinning and easy bankruptcy

  • Jasmine blossoms less than 3 tricks to teach you to blossom

    Jasmine blossoms less than 3 tricks to teach you to blossom

    Jasmine is a common potted flower in daily life, pure white flowers, rich fragrance, deeply loved by people. The situation of exuberant branches and leaves but few blossoms will be encountered in maintenance, mainly due to improper fertilization, insufficient light and temperature and improper pruning.

  • Fertilizing, a double-edged sword for orchid cultivation

    Fertilizing, a double-edged sword for orchid cultivation

    Because the orchid was born in mountains, forests and valleys, it has a suitable natural environment, loose humus soil, sufficient soil fertilizer and comprehensive nutrients, so it can grow very strong, but after going down to the yard and balcony, the environment has changed greatly. nutrients are not as abundant as they were in the mountains, and the good orchid grass is unlikely to look like it.

  • How to make sweet-scented osmanthus trees bloom?

    How to make sweet-scented osmanthus trees bloom?

    How to make sweet-scented osmanthus trees bloom? Is there any effective way that sweet-scented osmanthus does not blossom. The reason is too much nitrogen fertilizer, insufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and lack of micro-clothing elements; secondly, lack of light; third, unreasonable pruning. The above is also a common problem of potted sweet-scented osmanthus in the north. At present, it is the stage of flower bud formation, and phosphorus and potassium should be applied immediately.
